
Feeding Method for Dairy Cows

Published on 28/04/2023
Feeding method for dairy cows

Dairy cows require a balanced and appropriate diet to produce the expected amount of milk. In this article, we will discuss the feeding method for dairy cows, including the different types of food they should consume and how it should be distributed.

What should a dairy cow eat?

Dairy cows need a nutrient-rich diet to produce high-quality milk. The diet of a dairy cow should include a combination of forages and concentrates such as cereals, soybean meal, oilseeds, and vitamin and mineral supplements.


Forages are the most important food in the diet of dairy cows. High-quality forages such as hay and corn silage provide a source of fiber and energy for the animal.


Concentrates are foods that provide high concentrations of energy, protein, and minerals. These can be grains such as barley, corn, and oats, or byproducts of the food industry such as soybean meal, molasses, and corn gluten meal.


Supplements are used to correct deficiencies in the cow’s diet. These include vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.

How should food be distributed?

Food distribution is an important factor in the feeding of dairy cows. Balanced and consistent rations should be provided to avoid health and production problems.

Feeding frequency

Dairy cows should be fed at least twice a day to ensure a constant supply of nutrients. It is important to maintain a consistent schedule for food distribution to avoid abrupt changes in the diet that may affect milk production.

Amount of food

The amount of food a dairy cow should consume depends on its weight and milk production level. It is recommended that a dairy cow consume at least 3% of its body weight in food daily.

Access to water

Dairy cows should have constant access to clean and fresh water. Waterers should be kept clean and in good condition so that cows can drink easily.

How does feeding affect milk production?

Proper feeding of dairy cows is crucial for their milk production. A balanced diet provides the necessary nutrients to produce high-quality and large quantities of milk.

Protein and fat

Protein and fat are key components of milk. A diet high in protein and fat can increase milk production and improve its quality.

Vitamins and minerals

Vitamins and minerals are important for the overall health of dairy cows. A deficiency in these can lead to health problems and low or poor-quality milk production.

Quality control

It is important to monitor the quality of the feeding of dairy cows to ensure high-quality milk production. Regular analysis of the diet should be carried out to ensure that cows are receiving the necessary nutrients.


In summary, the feeding method for dairy cows is a key factor in their milk production. It is important to provide a balanced and appropriate diet in terms of quantity and quality. Forages, concentrates, and supplements should be distributed in consistent rations to avoid health and production problems. Monitoring the quality of the feeding is essential to ensure high-quality and large quantities of milk production.

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